Monday, August 11, 2008

Bright Lights, Big City...

Spent the weekend in Austin. Attended a continuing education course on treatment of patients with vestibular dysfunction and balance disorders. If you get dizzy when you roll over in bed or fall down a lot come see me. I'll fix it. I can't promise you will still like me while I'm fixing it, but it will be fixed.

Anyway the off hours were spent with Katherine who lives in Austin and Morgan, who came up from College Station prowling around stinking Austin hippie kind of joints. Here is the big guitar outside South Austin Music.
Saw Ray Wylie Hubbard at Antone's, home of the blues. Great show. Here is Ray Wylie and his son Lucas. Lucas is pretty hot on guitar. Of special note is the symbol on his shirt. Low and behold that's a Pine Knot Mystic T shirt. You Nacogdoches folks know what I'm talking about. I have heard if you wear one of these while eating a Wally's Special at Morales Mexican Food all will be revealed to you.
Note the tilt back Black Face Fender amp behind Ray Wylie. Had some great examples of Black face, tweed and silver face Fenders on stage with these guys. Old stuff, tweed is 50s, black face in the early mid 60s and silver face is from the late 60s early 70s, just to catch you up on amp history. They almost had as many Fender amps on stage as I have in the back bedroom.
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