Disaster City...

Here is where Morgan is working this summer, getting a little on the job experience. On our recent pass through College Station he took us by for a visit. The campus is filled with train wrecks, collapsed buildings and is next door to a fire training facility. The web site for Texas Task Force 1, which was created in response to the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 (http://usar.tamu.edu/main.cfm?section=INFO&pageID=40) has this description of Disaster City:
Disaster City® is a place unlike any other in the world. The entire $6.2 million dollar, 52-acre training facility has been designed to deliver the full array of skills and techniques needed by today's emergency response professionals. Located adjacent to the world-renown Brayton Fire Training Field, this mini-city has been designed to simulate various levels of disaster and collapse. Filled with real collapsible structures, this state-of-the-art training center features a wide array of infrastructure. The $3.2 million Emergency Operations Training Center (EOTC) provides 14,000 square feet of classrooms and a computerized, state-of-the-art training simulation center. The EOTC optically links active, constructive and virtual simulations, including direct links to active response in Disaster City and other training venues within the complex.Area Disaster City® Sparks Worldwide Interest These facilities have generated interest around the globe. Among those who have utilized these unique training facilities are:
State, Federal, and International Urban Search & Rescue Teams
Municipal, Industrial, and Volunteer Firefighters

So happens an old Junior high friend of mine is director of one of the medical teams this facility deploys.
One of Morgan's projects has been testing of rescue saws, something like a super chain saw which will cut through a building wall. They haven't paid their $39,000 for product placement here or anything but buy Stihl.
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