The Traveling Amp...
Here is a picture on my little Peavey Bass Amp that I leave in the choir room at church for use each Sunday at Mass. It's handy, not too loud, not too valuable for occasional use by the general public and perfect for playing with the acoustic guitarist I accompany at Mass each Sunday. It's made in Meridian Mississippi and to my best recollection I picked it up in a pawn shop no later than sometime in 2003 but possibly a couple of years earlier. The 12 inch speaker housed in there can get a little poopy pushing it with a group where everyone has an electric guitar, nothing that spending $150 or more on an efficient speaker wouldn't solve but seeing how my neighbor recently picked up one of these at a garage sale for $70 that mod might be a little drastic. It is a solidly constructed closed back cabinet of the style that I have used to kill and commit mayhem with in the past so there are possibilities if like my wife increases my allowance or something like that. Until then I still have the Bassman amp for the big jobs.
The reason I call this the traveling amp is because it was absent from it's storage spot for about a month. It all started the day of the recent church festival. Regular visitors saw the photos here. Los StratKats played, I used my big amp. When time to get ready to play our usual 5pm Mass came, I stowed my gear in the car, went in the church to set up the Peavey to play there and it was gone. A quick check of the gym showed it to be in use with a mike to call the numbers for (Mexican Bingo) Lotteria. I was ok with that. I played at Mass that day with the big amp.
I never thought about amps for the next week, busy blog writing, when I arrived to set up the next Sunday no amp in it's storage spot. This time I had no back up in the car. I did have a Bass Driver stomp Box preamp, that and a monitor turned up to face the congregation made a pretty good amp, better speaker than I usually use. Next week I forget about it again, show up no amp, but I set up the same way and all is ok. That next week I make calls, to various folks around that might know where it went. Finely a little more that a month after the festival one Sunday the amp is in it's spot as if it was never gone. No one takes any credit for the return.
There were several bands that played the church festival that day, I was afraid it got loaded up with some of their gear. Maybe it did. Maybe it made a little East Texas tour and when finished returned to it's quite little spot at St. Patrick's. If any of you had it, thanks.
Labels: electric guitar, festival, St. Patrick
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"Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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