Weird Lights and Other Significant Christmas Observations...

Once again it's the secular vs. the religious and guess who comes up short? The church goers once again find themselves in a hole, barring a Christmas Eve rally, behind 22 to 12. That's right only 12 cards featured religious images. The rest were either some representation of a heathen eternal circle of light as pictured above, pagan images of wreaths, trees, snowmen, one that seems to be an artist's rendering of the French Quarter (had some good holidays there for sure) and otherwise plain old pleasant winter scenes. Out of this count (and don't make fun of me because I only got 34 Christmas cards) I can safely confirm only one probable atheist and one unconfirmed that I think is screwing with me because he sent one card from each category.
As usually, cards, letters emails are welcome, beats a vist by me to your house.
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