Catfish Chum...
Things been a little slow around here lately. Don't mean nothing is happening though. We are getting our ducks in a row so to speak so we will be ready when the time comes so that there will be a flurry of posts in this space concerning wild doings.
Ducks in a row means we are sharpening our tongues, changing our guitar strings and preparing catfish chum for appropriate times. That means don't use your guitar cat fishing although guitars do get stinky sometimes.
You know by now that cat fishing is a messy business, involves stinky stuff. Here in this photo I am making some catfish chum. Take some sour grain, pour in bucket, cover with water, close with tight lid. Wait, if you plan well, weeks to months is better and check bucket. If it stinks bad, its ready, it will attract cats if you toss some in a likely spot while fishing. Actually someone told me one time that it did not really need to stink, soaking in water does make it sour, but soaking grain is the only way to get it to sink. It otherwise floats and will not attract Catfish.
This is the new Orleans Saints blend I am whipping up here with a little Crystal Hot sauce, made in New Orleans added for a kick.
Ducks in a row means we are sharpening our tongues, changing our guitar strings and preparing catfish chum for appropriate times. That means don't use your guitar cat fishing although guitars do get stinky sometimes.

This is the new Orleans Saints blend I am whipping up here with a little Crystal Hot sauce, made in New Orleans added for a kick.
Labels: catfish, electric guitar
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