Sorry to report the passing of my Mom's sister in law Winnie Lou Wiley. She lived in Wilson Ar. This photo of Cathy, Winnie Lou and my Mom was taken at her house June 2008.
I remember the many good times and fun of meals she cooked and walks on the arrow straight streets lined with big trees of small town Arkansas all surrounded with flat fields of cotton and soybean. I recall the good hearted jesting of my childhood with her and Uncle Gilbert over old time South West Conference football when the Longhorns and the Razorbacks still played. Those are good memories, good times.
While on a driving trip that took us to Evansville, Indiana, Nashville, Tennessee, Matthews, Mo, Little Rock and Hot Springs Arkansas we stopped to see as much family as we could along the way.
Here's me with cousin Mary Ann in Matthews. She is a faithful blog reader, checking in each day to see what's new in the world of Carl.
Me, Mary Ann and Cathy take a self portrait. While in Matthews we drove over to Sikston to eat at the world famous home of the "Throwed Rolls" Lambert's Restaurant for some country style dining.
Good food, a good visit and the next morning we awoke to a cool 67 degrees, quite a difference from the heat we have been used to in Texas.
Good turn out for the debut of a new project, The Back Porch Band at the SPJST Lodge dance. Lots of dancers and the band had fun. Played 60 plus songs, good long sets. look for us at a dance hall venue near you soon.
Here's the band, hard to get them in one photo. Roughly left to right, Runt, Mudbelly, Mary, Neil, Grif, Earl, Lanny and Dustin.
The filling station where I trade always has ads for nifty products displayed so they can be browsed as you fuel. This looks to be an ear bud music listening device and as one who prefers sound to come from large box enclosures my imagination ran wild with fanciful uses for a product that makes such claims. Who wears it, you or the perpetrator? My wife wears something like this at night to counter act my snoring. Maybe I should be wearing it? Maybe the police department should issue these to get off my lawn types who advocate the death penalty for loud car stereos? The possibility for use just runs on and on...
Here is a cell phone photo I snapped on our recent visit to the Temple Tx Czech Museum. The exhibitcommemorates Leo Majeck's Polka Orchestra. This orchestra has been in operation playing gigs in Texas since 1897.
I picked up a couple of their records, 60s vintage maybe, in a Temple thrift store last year. Could be possible some of these instruments were used on that recording. Those tubas look a lot like my horn, I would love to play in a band like this.
Well the turn out for a church social and pot luck was not like a huge turn out, but all had a good time, folks that said they would dance to Strat Kat music came and the band played good.
Line dancers get it on.
Mudbelly, Mary and Chainey start a cunga line.
Check the face book page for a photo album of more pot luck fun.
On our weekend visit to San Augustine Park we fished along Ayish Bayou, a stream that feeds into Sam Rayburn Lake. The Texas Historical Association says the tributary was named after the Ais Indians who lived along it's banks. Probably a good living until settlers started showing up in the area about 1820, but then that's always the story, there goes the neighborhood. Which is really ok, new neighbors that is by me as long as they let each other be. This photo is one of the few remaining wild Indians still living off the land in the area.
We sacked up a nice little bag of 10 catfish and threw back a bucket full of undersized. Here you see Mary with one of her river monsters.
"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself
"Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts