Some One Shot an Arrow in the Air...
Cathy noticed this on Saturday. An arrow embedded in our roof. Fortunately penetration was limited by the metal roof, the old layer of singles underneath and thick rich lighter pine boards that put the capital "R" in roof.
Don't really have any good clues where this came from. There are neighbor kids down the road, possible suspects, but all pretty skinny and one currently has a broken arm, kind of hard to imagine one of them having the power for a shot traveling this distance with the appropriate elevation to end up at this angle of impact.
Of course I am old and the last bow and arrow I had my hands on was one I made from the switch cane in my parent's neighbors yard when I was a kid so like most modern devices there may be developments in bow and arrow technology that multiplies power with miniaturization that makes this possible at a price point all can enjoy. 

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