Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tried This to Make it Rain...

Seems what little wetness has fallen from the sky around here has just dampened the roof. I don't know how to rain dance or any other dance for that matter so I tried to make it rain by leaving my little transistor radio outdoors on accident for several days.

Usually that kind of thing does it. You get out of good habits for what ever reason, such as putting your stuff up and it bites you in the butt. Not so this case. I left it out on a Friday evening while sitting in the dark, in the hot tube catching up on high school football scores. I laid it down and forgot it. Several days past before I was on the deck in the daylight and noticed my mistake. We need the rain but I was glad my radio was not ruined.

This has been a great little radio. It's not the fable silver plastic nine volt heart sung about by Dave Alvin and the Iguanas on their respective recordings but just a black Radio Shack three battery double A job. I keep track of the sports with it even though the cable networks are making it harder and harder for the little guy without the big cable package to listen to his or her favorite games. I use this radio while beach front fishing. Nothing says fun like sitting on a sandy Texas beach with your big surf rod out listening to the dirty white boy rock station and just to show I can change with the times I sometimes listen to the Spanish electronic tuba station.

I don't know what the replacement for this radio would be. If I judge from the apparatuses on a new Ford F-150 truck a radio these days probably gets (for a fee of course) satellite stations, plays MP3s, makes phone calls, does your taxes all while making you a sandwich. To get a radio like the one pictured I suspect you might have to go to Mexico and I am not talking right across the border, I am thinking may be some where deep down in the interior where the lights are not so bright, where the static is a bit more troublesome and there are not so many choices. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Katie said...

Dad I love this blog entry...when are you gonna put together a book??

11:55 AM  
Blogger Carl said...

Don't have time, too busy managing my online image.

12:45 PM  

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"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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