Monday, February 20, 2012

Hat, Where You Taking Those People...

Over the weekend one Presidential candidate accused the other of not using up the Earth's natural resources fast enough or at least it came out something like that. Glad neither spotted me with the new hat I bought It would have sparked debate about the size of the carbon footprint necessary to construct such a large narcissistic item or maybe the hat itself could have stood alone at a debate and been very electable running it's own all organic campaign. 

Anyway Coraline says "Get a load of Grandpa, I wish I had two hats like that." Look for the debut of this hat at the March 31st VFW hall when the Back Porch Band plays. All the other guys wear hats, they ill be happy that I am not the odd man out any more. 

Speaking of odd man out and Presidential races a weekend of thrift store and flea market shopping in Ron Paul's Congressional District was quite fruitful. I spent $19 on this hat (brand new, Hecho en Mexico), a preworn snap button western shirt, two homemade fishing lures and a used Bunny Berigan record.  I don't know what Ron Paul spent. 

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