The Record Room...
This is our record room. I count seven hundred forty 33 and 1/3 rpm jobs, may be 50-100 45s and a few 78s. Added in to this count is the 9 used records bought this weekend in Houston at Black Dog records. Black Dog also had new records, yes they are still being released, they cool remember, but new cds and internet subscription services are way cheaper. Used records here seemed to run $6 and up. Hard to get a feel for pricing as me and Cathy had several finds such as an out of print Steve Fromolz, Shake Russell, and a Spirit for $6 each. What makes it hard to get a feel is the 1987 Big Twist and the Mellow Fellows that I saw priced at $20. I bought this new the year it was released, an album of funky Chicago horn band blues, I am listening to my copy now and in fact think I saw this band once at the old Rockefeller's in Houston. Good record but $20, I don't know.
My best estimate is that since we bought our first cd, it was sometime in the last 23 years, I don't think we had any before our marriage we have added 340 records to the collection. All are from garage sales, thrift stores flea markets and the seeming to spring up everywhere used record stores.
After a nice period to allow for vintage mojo to grow I'll count the cd rack you see on the left in the photo.

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