Under the Old Oak Tree...
I tried for an art shot, a nature photo what ever you want to call it using the old oak tree in the drive way as a subject. The green green leaves weight the branches to hang down forming a dark spring canopy over the blue rock drive way making it shady and cool instead of stark dusty hot. The western sun sets in this photo but I think if you got up early in the morning and made this photo about 7:15am before the eastern sun climbed up over the tall backyard pines it would have a different feel or something that might even be called an emotion in the first morning light.
I don't know how old this tree might be. I like to imagine it ancient. It was there when traveling Indians stopped in it's shade to fire an old clay peace pipe made from Angelina River mud. I just know it was there when I got here and it makes these old thoughts of Indians and ancients spring up in my old head. In all reality in may be near of it's life, half hollow from the hot weather black carpenter ants that appear every summer. It might show it's contempt for things man made when one day it topples on my garage during a night time blow crushing or trapping my small car and making me late for work that morning. I'll get sweaty cranking the chain saw, piling up firewood to last a long damn time. 

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