Saw This Boom on the Lake...
It is in the back of the Monterrey Park boat ramp cove sealing off the old creek channel. This area was probably dry land during the drought. The only thing I can suspect is that the invasive plant species Giant Salvinia has been spotted in this area. If you laid the two photos side by side for a panoramic view and added about another 1/3 that is the total length of the blockade.
Most plants growing in the lake are in some way good for the fishing. If you don't know about Giant Salvinia it's a real threat. It mats the surface preventing wave action that contributes to good oxygenation for the fish. It's growth rate is unbelievable if not controlled.
This area in the photos was a nice little fishing drift over the bends in the creek bed when we spent some lazy days pan fishing with the kids through the years. Hope the problem stays controlled. I expect it possible to see wash stations or something for your boat to prevent this plant from hitchhiking a ride to other lakes. 

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