I Got Shot...
Well it really was not me that got shot, but a tire was shot out on my pick-up. It was yesterday day during a graduation party in Houston for niece Caitlyn. A neighbor was fooling around with a pistol in his kitchen. There was an accidental discharge that went through the window and punctured my drivers side rear tire 40 yards down the street. The street was crowded with cars. The neighborhood was crowded with people as there were two graduation parties on the cul-de-sac where my brother in law and family lives. Thankfully this was not worse and a person was hit.
I went out to check on the damage. The man was very apologetic as you should be when you have done something very stupid. Believe it or not he was wearing a National Rife Association tee shirt. he said, "you are going to have to change that tire." I said, "no YOU are going to have to change that tire." I could not resist chewing his behind a little bit. As much as I could with him being armed, red neck and stupid. He agreed to pay for the tire. He assured me nothing like this has ever happened in 40 years of gun handling. I pointed out once is too much. He showed me his concealed carry permit. It's not every day you get to make some one who is for every thing you are against eat shit.
Some one did end up calling the police. Not me. Dispatcher called it "two graduation parties with shots fired." That's the nice officer and the shooter in the green shirt in the first photo. This photo was the slug the officer dug from my tire. He has to do that to make sure that in the crowded upper class suburban neighbor hood that the bullet did not go in another house or another person.
I left after the officer needed me no more. I feel the guy probably got some kind of ticket. He needs his gun taken away. In it's beginning the NRA stood for the rights of the sportsman (of whom I am one) to have a gun to pursue his hobbies. Now it only stands for the rights of dummies to have a gun on their person. This only benefits the rich corporations making guns.
I call dumb when I see it. Because I think this guy was really too dumb to realize how dangerous he is. I call for sensible gun laws.

I went out to check on the damage. The man was very apologetic as you should be when you have done something very stupid. Believe it or not he was wearing a National Rife Association tee shirt. he said, "you are going to have to change that tire." I said, "no YOU are going to have to change that tire." I could not resist chewing his behind a little bit. As much as I could with him being armed, red neck and stupid. He agreed to pay for the tire. He assured me nothing like this has ever happened in 40 years of gun handling. I pointed out once is too much. He showed me his concealed carry permit. It's not every day you get to make some one who is for every thing you are against eat shit.
Some one did end up calling the police. Not me. Dispatcher called it "two graduation parties with shots fired." That's the nice officer and the shooter in the green shirt in the first photo. This photo was the slug the officer dug from my tire. He has to do that to make sure that in the crowded upper class suburban neighbor hood that the bullet did not go in another house or another person.
I left after the officer needed me no more. I feel the guy probably got some kind of ticket. He needs his gun taken away. In it's beginning the NRA stood for the rights of the sportsman (of whom I am one) to have a gun to pursue his hobbies. Now it only stands for the rights of dummies to have a gun on their person. This only benefits the rich corporations making guns.
I call dumb when I see it. Because I think this guy was really too dumb to realize how dangerous he is. I call for sensible gun laws.

Labels: sensitive, subversive
Here here glad no one was hurt!
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