Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Cheap Gear...

It's been nice to get some paying gigs every now and then with the Back Porch Band. I use the money to pick up gear that I probably would not use with the Back Porch band but would use in other just regualr old back porch situations. Here's two things I bought over the last couple of weeks. On the right you see a bongo cojon and a baritone Ukulele.

 I notice that the  box cojons you sit on to play are popular these days with some small acoustic groups and when I saw these bongo cojons they were cheaper. Also you sit on the big big box cajons to play. It takes a pretty sturdy box to hold me so I figured I would be better off holding bongos in the lap. This drum has two sound chambers each with wire snares. Tap all around for a variety of sounds. I am polishing my chops by playing along to WWOZ radio out of New Orleans.  One thing to remember about cojon drums. Cojon means box drum. So the night of the gig if you call your rhythm section mate, the bass player and tell him  you will be playing cojon he knows it's a box drum. If your tongue slips and you say cajon the bass player will think you are playing a drum made out of balls. 

On the left is a nice little baritone uke. I bought it used at a local store. It's a Diamond Head brand. Made in China. I think if you buy a budget uke in Hawaii these days it's made in China. Tuning is the Chicago tuning I have been using for tenor banjo and mando these days so no great leap to begin playing and having fun right away. Of course I am playing the same old songs you might hear me play on anything but the mellow sound of the uke seems to bring out something different about them that helps revitalize the same old same old and gets my regular riffs out of the rut they get stuck in sometimes. Pop plays the uke, Cathy know a few tunes on the uke, Miguel plays a tenor uke and Runt has a soprano. Might see a uke choir on these pages some day. 

It's really a golden age of fun, cheap, available, funky musical instruments. Don't trust anyone without an instrument in their home. Playing and instrument and singing what you want to is freedom.  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Katie said...

If you get a colored uke you can play with Peter and I in Rainbow Ukeleles of Destruction!

2:54 PM  
Blogger Carl said...

Well I would not call that uke colorless...

10:07 PM  

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