Bandmaster Deconstructed...
There is some vintage value to these. I saw a real clean one in a music store for $1000. Mine has a smoke ring halo that will keep it's value below that but it can still be consided a player. Why I did not have the good sense to buy up some smaller Fenders in the early 80s hair metal days when they were less desirable. I don't know.
Here's the speakers. Thirty five screws held the back on. I had taken this off one time before 25 years ago. I was too lazy to replace all the screws. The speaker on the right is bad fizzy, especially when played with the baritone guitar. I am going to replace them. That's the reason for this deconstruct. The amp head itself sounds glorious through my Fender Bass cab with a 15' Eminance speaker I installed there a few years ago.
Nice pine cabinet. Maybe I can get the kids to bury me in it. Only one peice of particle board seen here is the baffle between the speakers.
See that dust? That's mojo powder. I need to be sure to put that back on the new speakers when I get some. I checked the date codes on these speakers. They are an Oxford speaker made the 50th week of 1968. I have some mixed feelings taking out this set of oldsters. Been with me a long time and lots of jamming done. They can be reconed. New speakers do sound awful good. A quick e-bay search shows that these can be had for $50 a pair. I'll let these go for $35 to any tinkerers out there. 
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