Sunday, September 23, 2012

Got Some New Furniture...

No, not really. I just noticed this stuff dumped out on the side of the road on the way home from church today and I can remember when I lived in houses that had couches like this. I was pretty young and thought I was living pretty good. Later on I got better couches. I never threw the old ones out. I passed them on to another person trying to get there stuff together or maybe one of the kids to get a start in their household. 

Second photo is another angle showing some baby type stuff, a carrier or car seat. I just pulled over to the side of the road  and took these crappy cell phone picks. I guess I should have looked around to make sure the baby was not laying there. At least large men with different color skin than mine did not jump out and beat the piss out of me. I get emails warning me of that all the time that things like this happen when you stopfor a car seat on the side of the road. I bet you do to. Nobody has beaten the piss out of me yet and Lord knows I have deserved it at times but I think this stuff deserved a second chance somewhere. Maybe not the house I live in now or your house but some where this stained and worn couch would give someone a seat. 

Following this train of thought I stopped in a local junk/antique shop with a closing sign "everything must go $10 a box" out front.  Inside the boxes held mostly dishes, vases and glass nicknacks. Perfectly good stuff  of good quality just a little dusty and way out of style. I remembered plenty of times in another life where I ate and ate good  off plates uglier than those, gave a girl flowers in a corny glass that she immediately threw on the ground or put on a shelf a stupid keep sake I later could not remember from where it came. 

Guess my whole point is that with many complaining how bad things were and predicting worse everywhere I look I see perfectly good stuff thrown away. Stuff much better than you might see in use in a third world country. Stuff which many would consider less than standard or less than stylish. Stuff thrown away. I heard a song lyric the otehr day "keep your thankfulness greater than your expectations," or something to that effect. 

Sorry the pictures aren't better. 


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