Sunday, September 29, 2013

More Live Music...

While driving into Houston the other day we were tuned to KPFT, the local community station and they had an interview of a band, Korsak, who would be playing at Dan Electro's Guitar bar that evening. The band was in Austin at that moment in time and the interview was by phone. Later that evening when I talked to the band member Korsak (the band's named after him, like Pink in Pink Floyd) he told me the station wanted the band to play live but that would have meant rising at 4am in Austin to make the air time that morning in Houston. My comment to him was that rock and roll is sometimes not all what it's cracked up to be. 

It's hard to describe Korsak's music. Very good of course with strong song writing of the uplifting sort. The band in this picture has somewhat unusual instrumentation, congas, dejumbe electric and acoustic guitar. They do have a bass player but he had to return to Europe where they are all from. The bass player was from Slovakia, and other members hail from England, Spain, France and the Canary Islands which is kind of the main base of operations. Nothing in the music really suggested these places with the lead guitar, the Spaniard being a very capable rock player.  

We had seen Ray Wylie and Shinyribs at Discovery Green so as it was still early we decided to see if we still had our hang chops for crawling the Houston bars and having heard these guy's interview on the radio we checked them out. I was glad as there were only about 12 people in the place with maybe half of them brought in by the radio. Even with the poor turn out they gave a great show and I was glad to be there supporting live music. 

Note the tip jar at the front of the stage. They also offered their CDs at half price, a special because it was their last U.S. show before returning to Europe. I chipped in the price I would have paid if there had been a door cover. I don't know what the other folks in attendance tossed in the tip jar but it could not have been the greatest pay day for these guys. In fact last night I played to a much bigger crowed at the local VFW dance. I know I made more than these guys did especially since I also won the 50/50 drawing raffle they hold each weekend. I can't help it if I'm lucky. 

So anyway support live music. I'm not talking about the Stones, Bruce, or the Eagles. They have made their money and will continue making money in ways poor folks don't even imagine. Support that guy a long way from home, that guy or girl you never heard about before today, that person who has been locked away in a little room playing scales. Thank them and make it pay that they have now made it to the bigger room.    Posted by Picasa


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