Monday, September 08, 2014

Finely Got That Powered Rhino Horn I Ordered...

No not really did I order powdered rhino horn. First off they are way to cute even more so that a bramer bull. Then of course they are endangered, you or some one has to kill them to get the goodie part and from there it's just a slippery slope where you then start missing church and next thing you know you are looking at other things from the wrong side and well there you go. Of course I have been feeling a little run down and I do see folks mixing drinks out health food store industrial size type containers and I wonder if there is something other than the 10 cups of coffee I drink each day. By other I mean something that makes me peppy without all the bathroom breaks. I know there is gin, but then we are back to the bathroom breaks and I am in a been there done that situation with that beverage.    

No, rhino horn was not in this package I received in the mail with the Asian writing all over it. 

It was a patch cable I ordered to patch the handheld recorder to the mixing board at church. It never came, it was a small item, very inexpensive and I thought maybe I threw it away.on accident. I went to radio shack and bought one that was a bit more expensive but longer. Little did I know this package was making it's way from Beijing. Ususally I take note when I order stuff these days. Seems like so much on Amazon or EBay is shipping directly from China. No big deal. The Radio Shack cable was also from China. Sometimes I think we would have nothing if not for China. 

By the way the patch cable works great regardless of country of origin. My hand held recorder is from China. Don't know if one of those things is even made in the U.S but like rock and roll, I like it. It's what I make all my home music recordings on. Here's a new ONE
 I like recording one on this little thing at home. Seems like most musicians I know take a look at it and thing "what's he going to do with that little thing." Well I satisfy myself because it seems I get much cleaner recordings working alone than I do with a group. It's like most of my gear. I find out how to get a sound I like and then I break it so it sounds that way all the time. 

Which brings us back to the rhino horn. No Rhino horns broken tonight. Just the silence of the night with an amp and a guitar and a little pep. By the way guitar and amp on recording at made in USA. 



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