Saturday, February 14, 2015

It's a Sabine Thang...

So I have noted that folks are in the area making a TV show for Animal Planet about looking for bigfoot, Sasquatch, yeti, swamp ape or as he is know in some Eastern Texas areas the Sabine Thang. I would get involved but my wife won't let me.  She thinks that I have enough hobbies and here's photos and a report of our trip to the Sabine River to fish the white bass run.

Cathy was a bit doubtful about this trip which was to the River Ridge RV park and guide service where we paid a "picnic on the sandbar" parking fee to fish this fine stretch of river. See Cathy is a bait on the bottom wait for a bite kind of fisherperson who thinks that's extra work to cast and reel in lures where sometimes you don't get a bite instead of letting it sit there till the bite happens. She adapted very well though and had about 5 fish on the stringer before I had one. 
It was definitely a job for the rod and reel combo Cathy is using we call the red rascal.
You see the lure, a roadrunner with a chartreuse curly tail. I started with a black back/green belly monkey tail. They did not like it like the chartreuse.  

There was a lot of cell phone texting photos to people stuck at day jobs. If you did not get one let me know and I'll send. 

Don't worry it's the same stringer. We just both had to have our picture with it. I guess it is lucky we did not catch a bigfoot. We would have had to let him ride home in the front seat of the truck. 

As we sat and ate a shore lunch we got all sentimental about Valentine's Day and told each other how much we were glad to be married and like to do so many things together. I think she was honey potting me. She just want's some one big and strong to be able to drag her stringer uf fish up a tall sandy Texas river bank. 

All these fish were caught in about an hour and a half. Total drive time to and from was 3 hours. Cleaning time was 1 hour. As the action slowed I changed lures to see if that would make a difference and caught one, even if it was the smallest one of the day on this spoon that Katie and Peter sent me from some northern place, Chicago, Milwaukee or Canada. They have sent me spoons before that were killer on speckled trout. Keep them coming seems like we mostly have old sliver colors around here. 
A guide at the RV park says barring rising water the run last till the end of March. Most of the fish we caught were males and good size ones at that. They run first. We had about 10 egg filled spawning females. This makes me thing the run might just be starting good. 

It was a great day on the river. 


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