Sunday, February 01, 2015

Blog Post That Shook the Music World...

You may remember a few months back I was looking through old family memorabilia and turned up a couple of  photos of a group that played on Memphis radio in the late 30s-early 40s Called Bob McKnight and his Ranch Boys. Here is the original blog post at this link.  Through the wonders of the world wide web two people contacted me about this little piece of music journalism I did.

The first was Bob McKnight's great grandson Rick. Rick's mom is Madalyn, one of Bob's daughters. I guess Rick was doing a web search and came up with my blog. As I do not have originals of the photos I sent him the copies I had. He does have some recordings of Bob and the boys and is going to send them. I have promised not to profit from these and keep them for my own pleasure only. 

The next person to contact  me was a French fellow named Alain who goes by the web persona Rockabilly Joe. He is a writer for the French Magazine Rock and Roll Revue and musicologist who judging from his facebook posts is really crazy about Elvis. Check his web site or friend him on facebook by his name Rockabilly Joe. Much of the web site and facebook is in French but Joe is an excellent pen pal who corresponds in English very well. The reason Joe contacted me was that he interviewed Freddie Boy Burns who turns 101 years old today. That's Freddie in the above photo on the far left. 

Here are a couple of photos Joe sent me of Freddie. Here he holds the copy of Rock and Roll Revue with his interview. 
This is Freddie and Dave Stewart. I don't know Dave but these photos are dated January 2015. As you can see he still has his guitar. Remember never trust a man without a guitar. 

I have put Joe and Rick in contact with each other. Hopefully Rick will find out more about his great grandfather and maybe Joe can get some info from Madalyn for a book he is writing. 

As for me looks like once again I have done my part for hillbilly rock and roll. I take away a 2010 quote from a Freddie Boy interview that I used in my earlier blog post. Freddie sees his career not as an overnight sensation like Elvis but as a more gradual trajectory. I want to be like Freddie when I grow up. Sometimes it seems like I might just be making that climb to the top and might get there with a few more years of work. I hope like Freddie I get long enough on this earth to make it. 



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