Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Lake Jacksonville Weekend...

Sometimes I get the impression from folks that they think this blog is a realtime affair. It's happening right now. It's not but it does tell about the real good times we have, when I get around to sitting down and organizing it and one of those real good times was at brother in law John and wife Mari's new lake house. It's on Lake Jacksonville near Jacksonville Texas. 

Very nice spot. That path leads to the boat house. 

Cathy sits on the boat house dock. John and Mari have been up there most weekends this summer and during the week they keep the house locked. I think the boat house is open 24/7. 

From the looks of things on the lake boating, jet skiing and floating in the water off your dock are the main activities.  In this photo we have roughly left to right Megan, Caitlyn, Peter, Mari, Margret with Addison and John. 
From the Texas Parks and Wildlife web site they seem to keep up a pretty steady stocking program of largemouth bass. I think lake record is a 15 pounder. I would think by now any fish are pretty used to boats and jet skis because the amount of boat traffic is much larger than I am used to in my secluded Sam Rayburn spots. If I were a regular fisherman on this lake I would try trolling. 

Mary, Grayson and Caitlyn tube. You can see the lay of the land behind them. The shore is many nice homes and boat docks. I could spend the day riding around looking at the various styles of living which range from very modern with mini marinas to old school deep south tin boat sheds. All are very clean and well kept.  

The girls invented some kind of game to pass the time on the dock. All lined up you have Grayson, Margaret, Katie, Cathy, Megan and Caitlyn. In back is Mary. The front line shuffles around like musical chairs and the person in back closes their eyes and squeezes everyone's behind and tries to guess who is who. For some reason I did not get picked for this team. 

Thanks, again, John and Mari for a great weekend. 



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