Saturday, July 16, 2016

Camp Catfish...

It must be July. Bill and Geneva have Camp Catfish set up at Hank's Creek. For all you climate change deniers like Mike Pence let's take a note that the ramp at Hank's which has been closed all year due to to high water is now open and reportedly Monterrey Park is also open. First time I have launched all year on this side of the lake. I can remember many low water Julys but this is becoming more common. If you visit Hanks take note of the trees in the park marked for removal. They have been killed by the high water levels. 

I recently wrote a song with the words, "flood gonna come every year." If you are playing pokeman it's not gonna be so bad for you as it will be for some in the natural world. 

Here's Camp Catfish. 

An earlier than usually start. We were to the park by 7:30. 

How many pictures are there like this? Cathy gets big fish of the day award. 

The very next cast she also got little fish of the day. Final count was 23 catfish, a bit bigger than average size and quite a few of them were blue cats. Water depth was 29' at the front of the boat and 39' at the back. That's a nice little drop off structure. Fish were 5 reel cranks off the bottom.  

Mud belly gets the sun at his back so it's in their eyes and lands a nice one. 

Bill boats a good one. 

We called my mom, she came out and everybody has catfish swimming in their belly! 



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