Tuesday, July 05, 2016

A Few New Blog Characters...

From time to time we get to introduce new blog characters. At a weekend trip to John and Mari's Lake Jacksonville house and a second July 4th party we met some new people. I got a feeling you will see them here from time to time. From the looks of the crew John has assembled on his pontoon boat you might ask how do you notice if you have new people? 

Let's meet these new folks. Standing you see niece Caitlyn's boyfriend Nathan. Sitting with Bill and Geneva is Chase and his wife Diamond. 

The they went that a way photo. Where is that guy going with my son in law? Got to keep an eye on them. 

Chase is a Cooney. It's a story and maybe we will tell it sometime but me and Chase had a little discussion about nurture vs. nature. After getting to know the Cooney clan he knows why his nature is such as it is. 

Here's Nathan and Caitlyn with my grandkids. Nathan was good with the kids and told me I was a cool grandpa. While I was floating a tube off the dock Chase dripped cold water on me. It felt good and he did not get the rise he expected. I explained that my reaction was minimal  because I immediately knew it was not urine. Nathan said if that was the first thought to come to my mind he thought, "there is a guy that's been places and done stuff." So you see, we all fit together. 

Mari, Addison, Diamond, Mary and Miguel all swim. 

If you notice Miguel you can bet everyone else did and I don't think I saw any other people blow on the yellow noodle the rest of the day. He must have had so much fun, in the words of Robert Earl Keen, "I had to take a nap."

Maybe Chase, Diamond and Nathan should watch out. Next blog post they won't be new characters anymore.  



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