Friday, August 12, 2016

We Are Home...

If you keep up with facebook you may have noted that I tried to shake it break it with a bunch of photos of our trip to Europe to visit Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Bet you are glad I did not ask you to copy and paste all those post. 

Anyway the work begins. We have two cameras full of photos and adventures. It may take a while to sort and edit all that. I know I for one am going to have some trouble remembering which church is this and which castle this is. I guess without knowing it you life turns into your body of work and moving through the world we live in has been the theme of this blog all along.

Speaking of moving through the world I don't think we could have moved through Europe without the help of our hosts Ross and Beverly Kay.  They live in Taufkirchen a small suburb outside Munich. Ross works nearby as an engineer and does something with the computer chips that run your life and that's all you need to know about that. 

Many thanks for Ross and Beverly. You guys were great. 



Blogger rosskay62 said...

You are most welcome, Carl. It was our pleasure to host y'all while getting to experience a slice of Europe! Y'all are welcome back anytime.

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Beverly Kay said...

We had a great time too! So many good memories!

8:47 AM  

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