Sunday, August 16, 2020

Fishing Report...

What the world needs now is another picture of Cathy with a catfish. I should go through the archives and count how many photos there are like this, audit these fishing reports for the total number of cats caught each year and come up with some kind of percentage ratio comparing pictures to numbers and a formula like x divided by y equals mean results squared. Wait a minute, that's math! Let's fish!

Fishing was a bit slow on a 100 degree afternoon. With a swim and a cool south wind we did not suffer and in about two hours of fishing ended up with 8 cats, which we took right home and fried up. It was the perfect amount for the two of us. 

Usually the spot we are fishing is highly productive late summer through January. It's deep water, with even deeper water nearby. There have been a couple of times when we have come out to find others on our spot this summer and that's ok, I have other spots but there seems to be a reduction, not some much as in numbers but in the size of the fish. I'll be poking around on the next few trips trying to find the next hot place   

I made this cormorant photo  It was with the zoom lens so really not very close to where I was fishing but he was enjoying the sun and wind to dry his feathers. If you check the LAKE LEVEL on this interactive graph you with see that on May 29th this stump was under 6' of water. By doing a little math (oh no) this stump was just barely under the water on Aug. 6th just right for catastrophic boat hull damage. You can be your Zebco there are many more just under the water in this photo. 

Personally I like when this stuff starts sticking up because it is usually on river and creek drop offs and there be fish in these type of places. A modern invention you find on bass boats these days is the spot lock trolling motor. A GPS unit (some math again) will keep the tolling motor making minute adjustments so that your boat stays right on the spot and all you do is fish. I don't have this so I still operate by tying up to stumps and bushes (my dad used to ask me when we did this "do you see a snake, a wasp nest, all with great urgency") hauling on anchor ropes or judging the wind to make a good drift over a prime area. 

Fishing will probably pick up, I'll find a new spot but keep a watch for stumps and leave the math at home.    

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