Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Breaking in a New Fishing License...

September 1st is the day to buy a new fishing license. This blog post title is a little misleading because here's a photo of the only keeper fish I caught on a canoe trip to lake Pinkston. Gotta break it in slow. probably a good idea for an old retired guy, go slow. 

I could use the excuse that this was a new lake to me but I do have a bit of a history with Pinkston. In the lake 70s when it was first build as a water supply for the city of Center, Tx I was a college student without a boat and we went out here wade fishing. Many years later, I can't recall the exact year but I had a 1992 Dodge pickup and I took my dad's old bass boat out there and on my return to the isolated, vacant except for my vehicle parking lot I found the window busted out and a box of homemade cassette tapes stolen. That should give another tip to how long ago this has been, long enough for cassettes to make a come back. 

I got lucky on my stolen items. I met a sheriff on the way out, reported the theft and as is often the case he probably had an idea of who the local bad actors were and went right over and recovered these important tapes. I would imagine they are on a shelf in my record room right now. If I remember how to work the cassette deck I might play some of them.    

Anyway bites were few and far between and the wind got up a bit so I headed home. As the heat index was supposed to be 104 today I can give that to the fish as an excuse. Myself I was glad to tough out the hot weather, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and hoping that I keep myself in shape doing things like this. As a retired guy I don't want to get soft and I spend as much time outside as possible. I would guess I spent about 8 hours outdoors today. 

With all these lily pads I fished frog baits today but no takers. 

Look at this scene. I would imagine there would be a tropical peacock bass under that overhanging tree shade or at least an anaconda slithering around up in there. 

Did I just see a tiger? Do they have those around here? 


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