Monday, April 12, 2021

The Well You can't Win Them All Fishing Report...

I must admit that I have been on a good run, a run that I have kept to myself as I have found it's not good to mention when you outfit your wife. What goes around comes around as I kind of got it put on me today from my brother in law Matt who out fished me on a pan fishing canoe trip to Martin Dies Jr. State Park 9 to 3. Probably should not use this photo as there are identifying background items that might help someone locate my fishing spot.  

I did snap a great photo of a Little Blue Heron, one of the smaller members of the heron family as he even caught more than I did. I might have qualified for the smallest fish award. All fish on Charlie Brewer Crappie Sliders or when I finally started taking a few my go to bait became a beetle spin. We used light tackle with 4 and 6 pound test line.   

Matt lands a nice keeper crappie. I think I had a throw back crappie and he may have also.  The bream run should just heating up. If you recall last year's fishing reports we caught good ones April-June. We had a few throw backs, probably not throw backs for someone like blues man Howlin' Wolf who was reportedly able to eat 50 bream at a sitting. It might help the fishing if we got a bit of rain to raise the level up into the bushes along the bank. 

Matt takes the mixed bag award for three different species caught. I think this is a short nosed gar.  

These fish, along with the catfish we caught the other day are making a run to Chicago to be delivered to the PK. People hollering for catfish and bream in Chicago. 

Hey! Are these good to eat? 


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