Sunday, August 15, 2021

Look Out Science in Use...

 I've spent a good bit of time the last two summers swimming at old Ratcliff Lake. My parents took me there as a child and it's been a good place to take the grandkids. Pick a mid week day and there is usually few to no other people in the swimming area, the water is clear and cool and there are just enough fish eager to bite that fishing does not turn into work but stays interesting. My annual Forest Service parking permit that's good on Sam Rayburn boat ramps gets me in free.  

When I visited last week this sign was new about the monitoring of water quality. It's put there by the Angelina and Neches River Authority. The ANRA is a state agency, created by articles of the state constitution and has been around in one form or the other since 1935. They have their own lab here in town. I don't have this info so I'm guessing but I bet there are people with science degrees working there.  

I'm glad they are monitoring the water I swim and fish in. This info is not on the sign but I bet one thing they look at is if this lake has E Coli bacteria in it. E Coli occurs when there is fecal matter, that's poop to the non science people, in the water. Poop gets in the water, and it could be people or animal poop (see the dog sign, only allowed if you need it) from sewage overflows, sewage systems not working properly, run off from agriculture or polluted storm runoff. 

I have seen that Nacogdoches County has a program to replace septic systems in the Attoyac River watershed free of charge to prevent sewage runoff. Reports say that people are slow to take advantage of this because they think there will be a punishment for a non working system. There's not a consequence. They just don't want you doing dumb stuff like running a pipe that flows poo into the creek. 

I would be willing to bet, somewhere on a private property, an unregulated campground, a cow pond there is a septic system too close to the water or hay field run off. People are cooling off swimming, having a good time and are happy as clams. Maybe somebody had a little diarrhea but it could have been the potato salad or the Old Mil. Luckily it was nothing worse but ya'll come swimming next week end, you hear?    

Note there is also a sign warning of alligator activity in the lake. Someone with a degree in wildlife biology probably saw one and put the sign up so you don't have to scout the lake before letting the kids in or stand guard over them with a shotgun. Tie this back to the dog sign too. I have heard that gators think dogs are tasty. If you don't rely on a dog to get around, don't put him at risk. 

Science works. This is how it's effected my life this week and life is better for it. Now let's don't do dumb stuff and go swimming. 


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