Sunday, August 01, 2021

U.S. Tico, the Man, Q, Catfish and Music How Else can you Live it Love it Wear it?...

It's numerology bouncing around my brain when U.S. Tico visits the Man. Thirty pops up on my calculator which is about the number of years since we last saw each other. When Q, not the anonymous Q but just regular old Q, shows up input 43 and that's how long since those two saw each other back on the old red brick streets of Nacogdoches. When we were all in college together the number on the dorm where we met, old Mays Hall was Dorm 11. Add seventeen because that's how many months, stuck down in Costa Rica because of Covid restrictions it took for U.S. Tico to grow his ideas. When we spent two days (do you multiply?) on Lake Sam Rayburn catfishing the number produced is 45 because that's how many catfish we caught and ate. To tie all this together is a variable number and this is the number of guitars owned by U.S Tico and the Man. No one knows that value but add one, the loneliest number and that's represents the keyboard that Q jammed on.     
The U.S Tico Fishing Team 2021, left to right Q, Tico, the Man. 

Just for the fishing record the lake, after the high water of spring and early summer is dropping fast but our honey hole Los Brazos is still producing. Two days, 45 cats and we left them biting. Fish ran a bit bigger than average for this spot and we could have caught many more. The fishing log shows four trips this summer and 150 fish caught at this place. Fish are hanging suspended 10-20 feet, easy to catch pitching to them on JPiggs stink punch bait, 

The Man and Q. That's the real Q to you. 

The U.S. Tico Fish Team. We still did not get a photo of anyone modeling a swimsuit but I think I feel a product idea coming on. 

Back in the old Nacogdoches days at Stephen F. Austin State University we spent afternoons lounging and listening in old Mays Hall to Bob Dylan songs. Now we jam on Dylan songs.  

Cathy joins in on our jams. Yes, girls can be on the U.S. Tico Fishing Team and in their guitar army.  

It was a great weekend. Tico is wandering Texas for a couple of more months. Q headed back to his home in Tyler. We will gather again, I just don't know when. I have numbers to add up and there may be answer produced by my ciphering. 


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Blogger scottbob said...

We’ve seen Q since then. If memory serves we ran into him at a Ziggy Marley (or was it Stephen) at an old theater in Fort Worth a good number of years back. I believe it was the Ridglea.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Carl said...

I think he mentioned that.

1:58 PM  

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