Thursday, July 08, 2021

Fishing for a Fish Fry...

We have an upcoming fish fry for our grandson Cullen's birthday. It's time to stock up the freezer. Our daughter in law's dad, Nick joined in to make it a true family effort as we hit the lake in search of fat, fillet size channel cats. Nick told me recently it looked like our shared grandkids were going to be fishermen so he wanted to get in on a few trips to get his game up to par. He was a quick study as we caught 35 catfish yesterday.  

Once again we hit the Los Brazos spot, 35' of water in standing timber with the cats suspended at about 20'. There were a lot of small throw backs but that's ok. We will take the action. 
 We left the house about 1pm, drove through rain showers to the lake and launched with a bit of  southwest wind blowing up from the direction of the Popher's Creek Valley. I had checked weather radar and the prediction that a hole in the afternoon showers would pass over Rayburn was accurate. Even when the wind laid it was still a pleasantly cool, cloudy, perfect catfish day.  

Nick's wife Kim could not join us because she was working in her shop. She will next time. Years of fishing has made me an acute observer of fishing personalities. Nick was the easy going, glad to be out there type that catching a tub full of fish was just a bonus to a great day. I predict Kim will be one of those fishers that you have to make leave the lake who will be willing to keep after it as long as a bite is possible. 

Two retired guys and a bucket of fish. Looks like we upped the count of a bit with an extra rod on board. How long will the lake hold up to pressure like this? 


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