Monday, October 25, 2021

Stone Wall Studio Fall Jam...

 Back in 1969 I was 12 years old. I had an avocado green transistor radio. It was roughly the same height and width as the average cell phone is today but to pack in the  nine volt silicon technology that was required to tune in the three local AM radio stations it had to be about four times as thick. 

One of those local stations, KRBA played country music all day long but at three o'clock, conveniently the same hour as school let out they switched over to the pop hits of the day. One of the hits that year was by the Beatles and called the Ballad of John and Yoko. It peaked at #8 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the content of the song was a description of the couple's wedding. 

I remember well that when Lennon sang the line, "the news people said say what you doing in bed, I said we're only trying to get us some piece..." that the local radio bleeped out the word "peace" to save those local innocents who might get the wrong idea. 

This past weekend Cathy and I performed as Goat Rodeo or maybe it was Skindog depending who you asked at the annual Stone Wall Studio Fall Jamfest/M.D. Anderson Cancer Benefit to raise money to sponsor Thanksgiving dinner for the Children's Hospital. We opened our set with the ballad of John and Yoko. We could tell by the smile on the guy in the audience with the John Lennon t shirt it was a good pick and afterwards East Texas singer songwriter Chris Edwards, a dear sensitive old soul says to us, "man it takes some balls to open with the Ballad of John and Yoko deep in East Texas..." I say he's a sensitive old soul because he must have caught that bleep out vibe somehow. No one bleeped out the word peace on us and it seems at least two people listening caught a bit of that nine volt silicon charge. 

If you don't know the jam fest it takes place at Stone Wall Studios in Groveton, Tx and involves a varied cast of characters that play music, contribute auction items, sound equipment, cook food and hang out for an evening coming together to make something bigger than themselves. It can get loud and since it was my first semi post pandemic electric guitar experience in about a year and a half my tinnitus is still cutting up this morning. 

I don't have any pictures of us playing. Maybe some will surface. A video is promised but they can bleep out words on that. Here's a run down of the other bands. 

The Brick Street Blues Band. I vote best band there. I think they are out of Nacogdoches and you should check them out. 

Mark, the MC. This guy can sell fish plates. Plays guitar also. 

The Don May Project. Local band out of Livingston 

Roger Karber of Roger and the Karburators. He's got new music out on all the platforms. 

This years version of the Stone Wall Rockers. 

Couple of the Brazos River Rats. The Rats are a group of guys that have been playing together since the days of 9 bolt silicon. Thanks for letting me join the band this year.  

Mark and the host and musical misdirectior of this affair on bass, Travis. 

The Brazos River Rats in all their glory. They are only trying to get em some peace.  

I think I covered everyone. If you would like to contribute to a good cause or just be in contact with good people check out Stone Wall Studio



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