Tuesday, July 18, 2023

I'm Always Learning Something...

 In Cathy's family both parents were teachers. They had all that time off (ATTO) every summer, 5 kids and just enough money to make a camping vacation to popular state and national parks every year. When they pulled into a campground in the old station wagon those kids came boiling out of the back and dashed to inspect the toilets. Once inspected they stuck their little heads out the door and shouted back to the parents, "flush!" or "pit!" to announce their findings on the status of the plumbing facilities. I find it very cute that Cathy still does this even though she does not have to race her brothers and sister to be the first to know anymore. It's one of the many things that endears her to me.    
While in the Great Smoky Mountains we hiked up Clingman's Dome which is the highest mountain in Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the highest point along the Appalachian Trail. At 6684 feet tall I was glad that I did not wait till I was any older to hike it. Though the trail is paved and easy walking but it's steep and I rested probably 6 to 8 times on the way up but made it down without a break. There are a lot of people on the trails and I would advise beginning early as the parking lot at the trailhead holds only so many cars. 

It was in this parking lot where we arrived early enough for a good space that I learned my thing for that day. I hit the bathrooms as a precaution (Pit! After a difficult plumbing repair in my own backyard what else would be expected way up in the mountains?) and came out to catch a little mini lecture from a guy that was probably a teacher himself explaining the workings of the pit or vault toilet which although I know there are those that don't trust it involves a good deal more science that you might imagine.

The fellow explained and I had complied with the instructions posted to close the lid of the commode after use that if the lid is closed the sun heats the black smokestack like pipe on the roof, black to increase solar heat which then draws the stink of the vault toilet out into the sky above our heads making the bathroom break more pleasant. This the experience of our youths of a pit toilet and a room full of stench is avoided. 

I did not get a photo of the toilet on Clingman's Dome but I later made a photo of this Corps of Engineers issue vault toilet on Lake Oakatibbee in Mississippi. You can see the black stack. The lid was not closed.     

I also noticed that the government wants men and women to use this restroom which is something a lot of people have their panties in a knot over lately but looks like they are mandating it in Mississippi. There were two industrial sized Corps of Engineer issue rolls of toilet paper in this facility which also seemed to be meant for unisex use.   

When we came down off Clingman's Dome the parking lot was full with many people circling in their cars waiting for a space. There were also lines at the toilets. Men and women. I don't know how the paper was holding out but the black stacks were reaching for the sky.  

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