Monday, January 15, 2024

The Wallace Christmas Gathering or is it Over Yet?...

I think someone told me the other day, "Christmas, it's over, it's just over." Well I guess they have never played in a band called Drum and Tuba Christmas or they never tried to herd all these cats, cool cats that is to get them under one roof to have a Christmas, a late winter gathering or some other such event. Success was only medium as the Texas kids, in-laws and grandkids made it ahead of the winter weather but for the Tulloch family they got stuck in Chicago because Southwest Airlines canceled all flights.   

Santa came anyway. the Tullochs will come at a less icy time or get theirs shipped, all that's beyond my paygrade but if they want a scary man Santa I will make one.  

We had a big Saturday night dinner at the new Napoli's in Lufkin in the basement of the old Perry building. Spaghetti and pizza pleased all appetites although I know some people's spaghetti has been critiqued "not as good as grandma's.    

Firepits, plenty of firewood and propane fishcookers made for a good warm porch as the temps were not too bad ahead of the front but today I am happy to play inside in front of an indoor fire.   

Katie was supposed to come and practice her fish frying skills to keep sharp. With their trip canceled I passed the torch on frying fish to the handiest people. Morgan and Cullen picked it up while I made the broiled fish and crème sauce served over noodles and egg plant.   

A plate of fried fish with my new mustard dressing and the broiled fish. There was some discussion of bottling and selling the cream sauce but I aint working anymore unless it involves a tuba. 

Everyone liked their Christmas gifts and some played to hard they got hot and took off clothes. 

Warren and Mary split firewood and Ezra and Parker raked leaves. I wish I would have had them mound it up to keep the wind out from under the trailer. 

A good time, which can be hard to have with such a large group was truly had by all.  


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