Sunday, January 22, 2012

Birthday Weekend...

Had a great music weekend for my birthday with lots of surprises. Cathy started things out by packing me a bag and picking me up after work on Friday. I did not know where we were headed. We drove to Houston where she had a room booked at a fancy hotel, the Zsa Zsa. Some might remember it as the old Warwick. Margaret and Kevin had their wedding reception here. This is the Memorial Park Fountain located in the traffic circle outside. 

The musical surprise for the evening was a visit to Fitzgerald's. A long time local music venue in the Heights, I think the last band I saw there quite some years ago was Buddy Guy and Junior Wells. This night we saw the Mountain Goats. If you don't know the Mountain Goats it's kind of sensitive self examining music about relationships and stuff but generally with a good beat. Long wordy songs written by the guy on the left, John, drew a very polite crowd, many whom I spoke to in the course of the evening called me "sir." The cd releases by these guys are generally kind of low fi in the sound department sounding almost made at home. The sound for the evening was very good and clear. In fact a quote or a fragment of a song lyric I picked up this evening resonated with me, something like, " I'll sing this song that has the same four cords I always use when I have something on my mind."  

I'll post more birthday adventures later.       Posted by Picasa


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