Came home to find...

After attending church Saturday night I got home to find this.
My first thought was that I had become the target of some weird Mafioso/Cajun cult that had tracked me down and it was now payback time for that time I did the funky monkey at the Mariuceville Crawfish Festival. Those Cajuns have long memories.
Examination of security cameras placed on the premises just for occasions such as this reveled the truth.
It was Morgan and one his buddies. They had caught a couple of Alligator Gar. Here is Casey with one also.
The adventures these two had capturing these gars made me want to do the same thing myself. I have had my day with this type thing and that reminds me of the philosophy of this blog, theolderyouwillget, which could have easily been ineverwanttobeyoungagain.
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