Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We named him...

El Guapo. The new little dog. Pronounce that "L Wappo" for the non bilingual. That is a name that has been floating around the house for some time now so we decided to use it on him. Thanks to all for suggestions. Here is a picture of him at the lake the other day keep alligators from getting in the boat.

For big white dog (my Boy) fans, he had been gone since mid spring break and you guessed it, when we arrived home with the new dog he was there, waiting. He has been a bit confused by the fact that El Guapo gets to go in the car to pick Mary up from school. He wants to go, but a couple of unfortunate incidents keep "my boy" from riding in the car.

See, he defecated in the bed of the pickup, not one time but twice. First time was an accident, second time I figure he did it on purpose. He did it while I was riding him around town. I can just see it, a mom with a 4 year old in the car with her, here we come, bearing down on them, only to turn broadside and reveal a sight like a great surreal, perverted hunched up Mardi Grai float big white dog green truck passing slowly before their eyes huge unreal figures aboard and the kid says, "Momma, Momma, what's that man's dog doing?" I blissfully parade on past, an unwitting flambeau carrier to a scene happening behind me that I am totally ignorant of. The harried mom, her own world out of control hustling kids around town only stares with no thoughts at all.

He left again, couple of days ago, me and Cathy took a bike ride today and while passing some trailer houses on a back road he suddenly appeared running beside me. Ran 3 miles all the way home following me. The police report tomorrow will list man on bike steals dog.

Any way, only trouble with El Guapo so far is he wants to go see a certain female down the road. That gets "fixed" Thursday.

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