Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Got a walk today...

No school today, we were ahead in one class and everything kind of goes together anyway and the teacher had some other business so good. I need a little break, some extra study, no driving time today works out good.

Good thing I got a break, the spring weather was making me think some weird stuff. Driving between Kilgore and Nacogdoches you cross many little creeks that go under the high way and snake their way across cow pastures on in to the woods and toward the river. I always wonder about their path and the things along the way.

In fact I could see myself parking beside the road on the gravel shoulder, stepping out of the car in the pleasant spring day. Cross the barbed wire fence. As I start a dog trot along the banks of the little creek I began stripping off my clothes. The sun feels good on my necked hide, white skin warming in the sun after a long winter concealment. Maybe a few passing cars notice me, I hope they understand, I'm not nasty, just naked. At their speed its only a glance and a what was that, they are too busy to go back and rat me out.

The creek enters the woods and I zig zag among the trees, the banks are a little steeper as if the water wants to hurry to the sea. I hurry also, sweating a little as I run. A dog barks in the distance. Bad thing about trespassing, I know it from living in the country myself, if a strange person so much as drives down your road, you know it, kind of a disruption of some cosmic stastis that make your ears perk and your head turn.

Now the sweat is running good, off my face and down my back. Skeeters, in a cloud and probably picking up a few ticks. Seed ticks, thousands in unmentionable places, I'll need the wife's help for sure. The vines in the bottom land are thick and I got to be careful. Dog is still barking and I hear a four wheeler.

I continue to run like a big cat squirrel through the switch cane, banks of the creek are steep, new in geologic time, carry big water, down at the bottom, sand piled at the bends, rocky bottom in the runs where East Texas Indians, naked like me sifted for the best stones to make arrow heads all the while saving the pretty ones for the kids. I don't have that kind of time.

The four wheelers, mules what ever they are called are coming, two of them sounds like. I can see their pilots, red faced men in jeans or overalls, jaws and lips stuffed with snuff and tobacco, maybe both at the same time, their lunch of corn bread and peas interpreted by some strange business they don't know what exactly yet. I can see how serious they are going to look when they see me. They will try to act like they deal with this kind of thing all the time.

The dogs are here now, the men will be soon. I got to stop, out of breath, hot, thirsty and dizzy from exertion, I'm bad out of shape from sitting and studying so much. Feet cut, bleeding, stepped on lots of stickers I notice. I need to do this more often, not exactly this, but run, wearing clothes next time. I start preparing to neogociate, it will take some slick talking to let me ride naked beside that guy in the mule back to my car. The Baptist have everyone in these parts broke back spooked by now anyway.

See I told you I needed a break.



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