Monday, April 10, 2006

Truth in writing...

Could not help but notice that there are people whose writing gets them in trouble. Lately journalist have committed plagiarism, an author of a nonfiction account of own experiences made up a few things to sort of fire what really happened up a little. Hope you don't think what you read here is all true.

It kinda is true though. Life seems such a process that you go through, picking up so many bits and pieces along the way that I am very sensitive to the thing I might have learned 40 years ago, a thing that had no place then, but the thing I might find a place for today, a hole where that puzzle piece fits and it becomes woven into my life together to awaken some other thing more fully.

I think this weaving is important to keep us young, our minds busy and keeps that personal growth going that stops us from being an old echo just rattling through a canyon saying the same thing over and over.

So sometimes when I write a thing here, and you read it, remember that thing might not have just happened today, but it just might be a thing I have come to see through the light of recent events, an item collected and ran through filters and screens and rubbed with the polishing agents of time and mind so that I have come to understand how when something happens to you, it never really stops happening to you but rumbles around, not like a sound that dies away, but like a rarely used tool that when picked up makes past and present become a seamless thing.


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