Sunday, July 02, 2006

It thundered and lightening...

But the catfish bit yesterday evening. The damage was done between 6 and 8 pm, 23 channel cats of better than average size than that the last catfishing trip. Caught on Danny King's (see sponsor link) catfish bait. We were on Lake Sam Rayburn south of 147 bridge about 2 miles down from where the Angelina and the Attoyac Rivers used to merge. Water was 28-30 feet deep.

Sorry, all my pictures have been a little blurry lately. I had to touch this one it up a bit because it was dark.
Right here El Guapo, is doing his best to keep those catfish from escaping that tub.

We were also check for the 4th and 5th time this year by the game wardens. Three big beefy white guys pulled us over on the way back in, it was about 8pm and checked documents, fish, life jackets and fire extinguisher. We passed all inspections. We continued on less than half a mile and my friend who has now checked me 4 times this year pulled us over. His partner was with him the last time so that makes twice for that guy. They said, "Hey, the beetle spin man." First time they remembered us. We told them we had just been checked and they let us go.

If you are on the lake and between Hank's creek and the big bridge I would suggest you be legal in all matters.

Next time I get stopped I am going to have the camera, make their pictures, maybe ask to sit in their boat, see if they will handcuff me, and make my picture, that would sure make a good blog post. No better yet, I'll make the old ladies picture with them. Her in hand cuffs, no one will believe I got arrested, but they know it's possible for her.

Anyway, a big bag of fillets went to the freezer, but some of them ended up swimming in my belly. Here they are blackened in the tradition of fine New Orleans dining.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks delicious...wish I could have been there :)

1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's nice, but your one day permit has expired. That would have been 2 tickets for you, with Travis along 2 tickets for him also.

I don't think you are ready for a life of crime.

1:35 PM  

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