Thursday, August 17, 2006

Pictures from the TKD picnic...

Master Olford's ATA Black Belt academy had their annual picnic this past weekend. I helped cook hamburgers and hot dog, a lot of hot dogs, Big old hot dogs, Master really came through on the meat and everyone else brought the fixings.

Here is me and Master Olford getting ready to cook.

Every year at the picnic there is a big touch foot ball game. Mr. Wallace at quarterback puts his team up against Mr. Martinez, who can be seen at middle line backer.

An action shot. A few minutes after this picture was snapped the gentleman, a TKD parent, in the background who threw the pass punted the ball. Some how it caused what I believe was a patella dislocation and possible a patella tendon rupture. Knee cap went north with the quad all bunched up looking, if you need laymans terms. We loaded him into a car and and his wife took him to the ER.

In Physical Therapy we usually see the problem after it has been repaired so it was a good experience (for me anyway) to see it when it happened.

If you would like more info on the TKD school, check the link on the side bar. Our tournament is coming up in September.


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