Mary fights in Vegas...

Morgan is out of the picture as far as competion goes. He just got his shoulder out of the sling from his surgery in January.
They fly out this afternoon. Wish them luck.
In fact I have an idea. Since Mary and Morgan have such cool heads, mature, able to travel by themselves I have a proposition for you. Any of you. Send me your bank account or credit card number. Even cash, but that won't get here in time, but I'll take it. Just simply post the numbers in the comment section of this blog and I'll make sure the kids place some bets for you. Naturally they will get a certain percentage of the winnings, but I expect the return on your investment to be great. We will work out all the details after you send the money. Do this as soon as possible.

I'm in.
Thanks for another money maker.
I feel so much more secure investing with you than those lying stock brokers.
I can only send cash, so you can just keep it. Sorry.
My bank is in Nigeria. Could you just call them and tell them how much you need?
the number is:
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