Thursday, August 02, 2007

It's so hard...

And then they make fun of you. Seems that is the way life goes. For tuba players anyway. Here is a link my daughter Katherine sent, you would think family would have some mercy on you, it's a tuba player joke. A take off on a popular video game:

Actually I have been considering a resurgence of my tuba career. At the recent Alumni concert I played I met the local community band director. He invited me to begin playing in the fall at Angelina College. Rehearsals on Tuesday nights. I'd miss one a month because of another gig, but they say that's OK.

I have not really made a decision on this, don't know if I really want to put the time in it, but on the other hand I would like to keep my tuba skills sharp. I was a pretty good tuba player at one time, now I just kind of keep sharp enough for the occasional gig on tuba. Id like to take a lot of the gigging experience I have on guitar and mesh it with the music reading experience I have on tuba. We listen to a lot of music that has tuba in it, the Balkan and New Orleans stuff. I have ideas.

Here's a picture, it has appeared here on these pages before of me early in my tuba career.


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