Aggies at work...
When my dad watched Texas A&M football he always referred to the team as the manure spreaders. Bunch of farmers out there trying to play football. From a family lifted from the depression with a chance at industrial jobs I guess that was my dad's view of farming, spreading the manure.
Spreading the manure as a different focus these days. Here is a picture of Morgan's place of employment. Some experiment ther
e in College Station where they stir Chicken manure in those big vats, manually of course, they would not be Aggies if they did it any other way. It mixes with paper scraps or cellouse, a more scientific term and makes a natural acid that gives off gases that could power our autos.

The students, mix the manure with long steel shovels, which were surprisingly clean, unlike the work clothes which I saw hanging from a bush outside Morgan's apartment door. They
get paid a wage that is adequate for the amount of spending money a student needs each week.
What the manure does is makes the other additives rot so you get the gas. I think there is a lot of merit in this process. Seems to be a lot of manure around concerning the situation we are in right now that could be used in those big tanks.
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