Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Bear and the Monkey...

Had a dream as I do sometimes. It involved a bear and a monkey.

Seems the kids were little. It was one of those things a parent does to furnish a creative outlet for the little ones. Teach that work, play and responsibility are all fun. The bear and the monkey were able to run some kind of sewing machine, loom or something. They worked, it was fun to watch them, there were products produced and then the kids got to take care of the bear and the monkey.

The machine the bear and the monkey operated was about the size of a large wooden dining room table, big, long and flat. The monkey and the bear sat at either end and it was kind of a tandem operation where they each pushed and pulled leavers and switches to make parts move threads and cloth back and forth so that items were woven, sewed or otherwise created. It was poetry in motion, they really knew what they were doing.

After they finished with their project they got up from the table. The monkey had a cage he slept in. It was real clean considering that monkeys poop where they please. Maybe the kids were being responsible and taking care of him. The bear went outside. There was an old stump in the yard and he curled up in a ball, it really was a small bear and lay on the sheltered side of the stump out of the wind. There was a big fire ant pile on the other side of the stump. I put poison on the fire ants, careful not to scatter any to the other side where it might get on the bear.

I could not help but admire that the bear slept well and I hoped he would not be bothered by the ants.


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