Stalking just aint what it used to be. Ruined as it be by caller ID and ever falling prices of home security monitoring systems. So yesterday I hearkened back to the olden days. I tried to get a feel for what it
must have been like for an Indian to stalk up on a herd of buffalo somewhere out on the great plains. Lucky for me I have a herd of buffalo right next door. Some places people will pay a fee to stalk up something like this. Besides, this herd is basically underutilized. I have only been using them to tell if the fish are biting. Buffalo stand up,fish bite.Buffalo all lay down, fish not bite.
Right up to them. Old Chief Mudbelly peers right between the trees as he shoots with his trusty bow and kodak.

Wait a minute, What's that coming, quick, hide.
Those old stalking habits are hard to break.
Labels: Buford and Brenda
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