Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Squirrel Attractors are Out...

Each year Cathy does a great job of fixing up some mixed planters of various blooming things that sit on the deck railing and considerabley brighten up the area.

Only problem is that the also do double duty as squirrel attractors. Seems the pesky critters get bored and find out that the soft potting soil makes for easy diggings. Good thing they don't have bodies to hide.

Part my fault, the diggings. When I was laid off work in 2003 and was sitting around the house charting a new journey and playing switchem I cultivated the squirrel population by feeding sunflower seeds. Some times the squirrels come right up in the garage when I have forgotten to feed and help themselves to the bag of seeds that sits there. The dogs spend a good bit of time in the garage also. They are small dogs, not much bigger than a squirrel. I suspect some type of arrangement has been worked out. Maybe if I ever get a chance to sit around playing switchem again I'll figger it out.

Anyway, if you are at my house, (and that's another reason for this blog publication, so you won't have to visit and sit around looking at flowers, squirrels, playing switchem and just really get on with living your own life) don't smell these flowers. They are dusted with some kind of pepper spray designed by my wife to discourage diggings. Seems it works because this week it's so far so good.

There is one of them now, I think that's Speedy, or Spankey, Sparky, maybe Smelly and I think he has bodies to hide.
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