Friday, April 18, 2008

Who Done This?...

Seems like that is a question I have asked many time throughout the years of raising four kids and except for the big white dog of course, providing shelter for numerous pin headed canines.

So now with most of the kids out of the house and the two resident pin heads totaling about 20lb combined weight, not really enough to do much damage, I ask that question again. Who done this?

What you see is damage to one of my flower areas from an unknown source. This shaded area has a couple of azaleas, Indian hawthorn, and here you see the shoots of some bulbs that look to have been used as a bed. No real damage here, the flowering done they are just waiting to be cut down by the weed eat to do it all again next early spring. One thing that may be lost is an Easter lily that has been coming up and blooming for some years. It hasn't done it's thing yet so I don't know if it can recover, the stalk is broken and the plant lies on the ground.

This really looks as if something about 6 or 8 feet tall laid on the cool green stalks and crushed them. This looks like such a cool comfortable place I almost tried it on for size myself. So I ask again, who done this? A swamp ape? Aliens? Buford and Brenda? Those thing loom large in the lore of this blog, popping up to inhabit our dreams and visions, to provide explanations to the unknown and to provide that ever needed re-enforcement that no, we don't know all and there are things out there that are hard to wrap our weak minds around.

Who done this?...
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