Friday, August 29, 2008


Hopefully the hurricanes headed for the Gulf coast will do no harm. Already seeing some folks around here getting ready. Here is an old picture, from Hurricane Rita in 2005. I am sure you have seen it on the blog before. It's my pick up and trailer loaded with supplies from a National Guard distribution point to transfer to the 1000 or so folks that were housed about a week at St Patrick's Church. It was about enough for one meal, then it was back to scrounging again.

I am doing nothing special around here. I noticed the chain was off my chain saw, might put that back on, make sure it will crank. I'll look in the wreckage of Mary's bedroom for my good flashlight, she is usually using it to find stuff under the bed.

Other than that I won't need much because I'll go where ever the action is, the hospital or the church. There will be stuff there, or I will work on getting it there.

Here is a link to the month of September 2005. Strangely the same what with hurricanes coming and the Panthers kicking off the high school football season in Tyler to night. Only thing different is I am not attending school in Kilgore.

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Blogger Thereasa said...

When I get back home I might share a little bit of history from Rita.

Thank goodness I have this laptop with me ... because I'm able to watch the happenings back home on the local news website.

Beaumont looks like a ghost town. Funny thing ... they talked with a guy who was upset because he couldn't get into Walmart to purchase steaks to grill. LOL
Bless his heart ... there are no opened stores for him. He forgot to "Be Prepared"

You're a good guy! Full of compassion ...

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we lose power in Lufkin, stop by on your way home. I'll have 25ibs of catfish fillets caught this summer currently frozen and happy in my frezzer all thawed out and ready to swim in my belly.

9:11 PM  

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