Thursday, September 04, 2008

Got a Letter This Morning...

Important stuff. Seems this guy who has his name as the letter head thinks I'm slacking, but still considers me a valued and trusted member of his party.
He says his records indicate that I remain on the sidelines.

I got news for Mr. McCain. I have not been on the sidelines. I have been busy, graduating from college to get back on track after a job layoff. I was busy back in the early 80s, voting against President Reagan as his policies weakened the union I was a member of for 25 years. I was in Austin one time for the Austin against the War march. I know that's not much considering what some sacrifice, but it's the best I could do and it was more respect I felt than any thing else for those the war has made sad. I was in Kilgore that time at a Louie Gohmert lecture when he opened it up for questions and the only way he could respond to my question was that he had been called "the meanest man in Washington" on several occasions. I was also there on a tour of a former President's library, and although I can't agree with all that man did I do see some great things that happened for the people of this country during those years that seemed to have slipped away.

There is some less glamorous stuff, might seem like sideline to you, such as teaching Cub Scouts to fold the flag, helping with adult faith formation and singing in the church choir.

So Mr. McCain, I really don't have the time to help you as you mention in your last paragraph with a contribution of "$100, $50, or even $25" as you suggest and I barely had time to read your P.S at the end where you say "at least $25."

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Blogger Thereasa said...

wow! that's crazy! a letter ... a letter leaving a message of need for $$$! My goodness!

9:47 PM  

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