Went to a dance recital yesterday. Here you see Morgan's girlfriend, Ali, who danced a solo as an alumni of the school hosting the event. Held at San
Jacinto College South this piece was called "Black Swan."

Many styles of dance represented with groups, solos and guest performers all ages.
You have to be content of the pictures I made of Ali standing still, lots of action caused lots of blurring in other photos I made.

I enjoy the
hip hop style of dancing.
Regardless of what you other geezers think of this kind of music and culture
is here to stay and will be coming to your living room sooner or later. In fact brave pioneers are out there right now thinking how to sell you some. Recently I encountered a person listening to the country and western TV channel. The song playing, in my judgment had some
definite rap/
hip hop influences and I made a comment to that effect to the listener. The listener said "it's supposed to be the country channel."
Got to watch out for that subversive stuff, the old bait and switch.
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